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An Overview of the Northwest Florida Spine Approach to Treatment & Pain Management

Select from the following categories to link to the respective pages:

Home Remedies

Home Therapy

Injection Therapy

Injection Therapy Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center


Surgical Options Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Spine Therapy

Physical Therapy Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Nonsurgical Care

Pain Relief Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center


gamma knife Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Spine Surgery

Surgical Options Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Surgical Options Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Laser Spine Surgery

Surgical Options Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Artificial Disc

Surgical Options Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center

Coflex Stabilization

Surgical Options Panama City  spine center and neurosurgery center


Looking for a "Quick Fix"

In our fast-paced society, we often look for "quick fix" solution — a pill or injection or surgery — to quickly remove the pain.

Back and neck pain is similar to heart problems. A person who has a “heart attack” will often have years of heart disease and high risk behavior that heightens their risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Those with back or neck pain can similarly become sedentary, or become out of shape, gaining extra weight that places more strain on the low back. Just as a cardiologist will recommend a change in diet away from high cholesterol foods and more exercise, a spine physician and spine therapist may want you to make your back stronger, more flexible and more resistant to future injury.

Spine Care Requires a Lifestyle Commitment

While a spinal injection, procedure or surgery can help relieve symptoms, not maintaining spinal muscle strength and flexibility, or use of good body mechanics can increase your likelihood of future problems. Many times, you have to remember that as you get older, past age 40, the back is more prone to strain and sprain, and you need to avoid lifting heavy objects, or participating in contact sports that can damage your back or neck.

Need an Appointment?

Dr. Michael Rohan, Jr. is fellowship-trained in spine surgery, the highest level of medical education in the U.S. Over the past 10 years, Northwest Florida Spine has been referred back and neck pain patients from across the Gulf Coast region for the most advanced minimally invasive spine surgery and artificial disc replacement surgery. Responding to its regional reputation in spine care, in early 2018, the spine center transitioned its name from Panama City Spine to Northwest Florida Spine which reflects the regional draw of patients. 

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